Thursday, February 11, 2010

How to Treat Hemorrhoids - Top 10 Best Treatments

Hemorrhoids occur when the veins in the rectal area become inflamed and swollen. Anyone who has had hemorrhoids will know just how painful they can be. Really bad cases sometimes need surgery, but this article aims to advise how to treat hemorrhoids without such a drastic step.

Some main causes of hemorrhoids are pregnancy, obesity, continual coughing or sneezing, and constipation. Sitting on the toilet for long periods trying to pass a bowel movement can often result in a hemorrhoid. Some hemorrhoids even bleed which causes even more pain.

Here's how to treat hemorrhoids the natural way:

  1. Don't sit on the toilet for a long time. Some people enjoy sitting on the toilet while reading a magazine, even if they are not constipated. This is very bad for you, and if you do this regularly, don't be surprised if you suffer with hemorrhoids. Only use the toilet when you get the urge to pass a stool.
  2. To prevent constipation, you should eat foods that have high fiber content. Examples include leafy vegetables, plenty of fresh fruit, whole grain cereal and whole grain bread. Drink lots of fluids, especially water, every day. If you can prevent constipation, you have less risk of getting hemorrhoids.
  3. Since constipation is such a main cause of hemorrhoids, one way that you can make sure that your stools remain loose is by using an herbal supplement that contains flaxseed every day. Flaxseed was used by our ancestors centuries ago to prevent constipation. Flaxseed oil also has wonderful health benefits.
  4. Always keep your anal area clean and dry. Do not scrub harshly when you clean your anus. This will just aggravate and inflame the hemorrhoids even more. While wiping, do it slowly and gently. After passing a stool, clean your anus with fresh water or gently dab it with a baby wipe.
  5. People who are overweight are at risk of hemorrhoids. This is due to the fact that there is a lot of pressure on the lower regions of the body, particularly on the rectum. To cure and prevent hemorrhoids, a weight loss program is strongly suggested.
  6. Don't strain yourself by lifting heavy objects. If you sit in one position for too long, your anus is subjected to extra pressure. If you have a job that requires you to sit at a desk, you must take regular breaks and walk around the office for a few minutes.
  7. If you have hemorrhoids, soak in a bath of warm water, at least six times a day, for about 10 minutes. Warm water has a soothing effect and it can reduce swelling and relieve pain. Do not use any bath oils, foams or other commercial bathing products. The bath should be filled with water only.
  8. You can treat hemorrhoids with the following home remedy: Grind up a little black mustard and put it in yoghurt. Mix the yoghurt and mustard well and eat. After this, drink buttermilk. Many people swear by this remedy.
  9. So - other methods how to treat hemorrhoids? Here are two other home remedies. Put the peels of one pomegranate into water and boil. Drink a full glass of this mixture every morning and evening. This will help the pain and also cure the hemorrhoids.
  10. Alternatively put some peppercorns into a glass of buttermilk with rock salt and ginger. Drink a glass of this twice daily for an effective way how to treat hemorrhoids.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Causes Of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids involve the response of the blood vessels in the area of the rectum to pressure. This pressure can come from various sources and typically will cause pain and irritation. There are various reasons for hemorrhoids, and knowing them can help in making lifestyle changes and minimize the pain they cause.

Constipation is the main cause of hemorrhoids. This causes bowel movements to put strain on the rectal area, thereby putting pressure on the blood vessels and causing swelling and irritation. Strained bowel movements can cause bleeding from the blood vessels in the rectal area as well. Preventing constipation is an important step in preventing and minimizing the effects of hemorrhoids.

Pregnancy is the next leading cause of hemorrhoids. Pregnancy can also cause an increase in the pressure of the blood vessels in the rectal area. Hormonal changes are known to make blood vessels work harder which can cause swelling and irritation. Hemorrhoids due to pregnancy are usually temporary, but can be an important consideration in becoming pregnant.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency is the third leading cause of hemorrhoids. This condition occurs when the blood vessels in the area of the rectum are weakened, causing pressure, swelling and irritation. The pressure can be magnified with sitting or standing for long periods. Exercise and smoking in concert with CVI can cause irritation of the rectal blood vessels for those that are overweight.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, known as IBS, can cause hemorrhoids, especially in cases when IBS is dominated by constipation. Diarrhea is also known to put extra pressure on the rectal blood vessels. Portal Hypertension, which is an increase in the pressure of the blood vessels running from the intestines to the liver, can cause hemorrhoids due to the increased blood flow and pressure.

Any type of hemorrhoid can cause irritation, pain, and bleeding in the areas of the anus and rectum. It is important to identify the cause of your hemorrhoids for future preventative measures. You may want to look at dietary and lifestyle changes to help reduce symptoms.